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Resident Evil 4 HD, Achievement Guide

Get your Gamerscore on


Attention all achievement hunters! Easy achievements are on the way with RE 4 HD which will be released on Xboxlive Sept. 20th in games on demand.

For those who weren’t fortunate enough to play the original on gamecube here is a review to catch you up. RE 4 is arguably the best in the series which is saying a lot, and  easily one of the best games of all time in my opinion.

It only has 12 achievements and the list couldn’t be any simpler. There are no secret achievements and you’ll get 600 pts just for playing through the game on normal difficulty which only took me about 8 hours way back when.

If you want to perfect score the game you’ll have to play through on the hardest difficulty, unlock all the costumes and find all the collectibles ( bottle caps ) and you’ll have your Gamerscore a grand richer. 

Here’s Gamespots hints and cheats page for those who want to unlock everything and collect all the bottle caps. This is for the Ps2 version but the HD remake for the 360 is supposed to be exactly the same.

Hers’s a look at some gameplay for those who aren’t familiar with how awesome this game is


Halo anniversary and the Halo CE Pistol

When the Halo remake was announced I was super pumped. Halo CE is my favorite game of all time and the idea of Halo 1 multiplayer with the addition of Xboxlive was almost too good to be true. Turns out it was in fact too good to be true. 343 later announced it was only a remake of the campaign, and wouldn’t include the brilliance that is Halo 1 multiplayer.

I wasn’t interested in the achievement’s and campaign, or co op play and some new mp maps if I couldn’t have the one thing I really wanted. I wanted Halo1 mp, the part of the game that really made the original so special.

In the last week or so new info about a title update to Halo Reach mp began to make it’s way around the web. I didn’t want to get too excited at first but It has been confirmed by multiple sources that the title update is to prepare Reach for the Halo 1 pistol, among other things.

In this interview with, Frank Oconner says that the update will add a lot of things that make Reaches mp play more like CE! They are more than likely going to have separate play list’s, so if you love Reach just the way it is nothing will change for you, but those who want a trip down memory lane can play a more classic Halo in a separate playlist. Pistol whipping and all.

The above video is a walk-through of my favorite sp level and he also mentions the pistol.  Why it’s so cool is because I can now actually get excited about this game. All the other stuff I wasn’t concerned with before now is just icing on the cake, the cherry on top of an awesome dessert that I can’t wait to taste. There’s not going to be enough time in the world to play all the great games that are coming out this year, I’m gonna  enjoy trying to get to all of them though.

Get your Gamerscore On

Get your Gamerscore on!

Get your Gamerscore on is a new category that we’re going to update on a weekly basis, if not more. On the right side of the screen we have links to some of the best pages on the internet to aid in you in the achievement popping process.  Best and worst games for your gamerscore and boost your gamerscore are both great starts, but they aren’t updated as new games and information come available.

We’ll be posting what games we are playing that week and what you can expect to get out of these games if your hunting for achievements. We’ll let you know which games to play and which ones to stay away from.  How difficult they are, how much you can get on a single play through, how much time you have to invest to get the majority of the points and so forth.

A couple of games that I recently completed that were great for achievements were Deadspace and Deadspace 2. Most of the achievements for both games were related to things that you will unlock throughout the natural progression of the game. Like completing chapters and killing a certain amount of enemies. You can expect to get 90% of the achievements in both games comfortably, in about 10 to 12 hours a piece. On top of that both games are extremely fun to play.

 I have a Kinect and I’ve been waiting for a really good game. There hasn’t been a really good hardcore game as of yet, so in the meanwhile I downloaded the Kinect fun labs to check it out.

It’s basically a collection of mini games that they call gadgets. They are all based around scanning objects or taking your picture with the Kinect sensor, and then doing funny and or entertaining things.

Ok so it’s not entertaining, but it is good for some easy achievements. Each gadget is 8 for 50 pts. Plus it’s always nice to add games to that little screen you can look at on your Xbox that shows all of your 100% games.

Keep checking back for new games as they come out. Get your Gamerscore on is going to be a great tool in keeping a step ahead of everyone on your friends list.

Modern Warfare 3, everything you need to know

MW3 hits shelves on November 8th,but this friday was the first day of The Call of Duty XP event in L.A and there is an incredible amount of new infromation to sift through. I gathered all of the best info I could find and put it all together, so here’s everything you need to know about one of this years most anticipated titles.

Major changes are coming for multiplayer. MW3 is going to have more choices, playstyles and balance then ever before……….More

The new survival mode is looking like at’s going to add a lot to the MW experience. Looks to me like this could be one of the best co op experiences in a long time. Details

You can read my take on the Elite service with my hands on preview. Here’s what you’ll get with the paid  service and how much it will cost.

Find out what you’ll get with the Hardened special edition of MW3. Contents have been comfirmed.

Anf finally a special edition console with a 320 gig harddrive and 2 customized wireless controllers. Get more MW3 console details for Major Nelson here

Soulcalibur V

I first experienced the incredible gameplay that is Soulcalibur in 1999, Dreamcast style. The epic 3d weapons based fighting game was unlike anything I had played before and it had me hooked. I spent countless hours in practice mode trying to perfect not just a character, but all the characters. The characters arsenal’s were so deep, their styles so unique and there strengths so well-balanced that I lost myself in Namcos masterpiece.

So you can see why I’m so excited for the next installment in the series. Soulcalibur is  basically the only fighting game I play, at least consistently and seriously that is.

SC separated itself and added to the strategy of the fight with the 8 way run. It allowed you to continuously run or sidestep in a direction where other games only allowed you to sidestep once or roll. Probably the biggest attribute of SC’s gameplay was and still is, the flow of the battle. It’s quick, fluid and just seamless. This is because you have the ability to input a command before your character finishes their previous move, allowing you to pull off a number of moves in quick succession. You can recover, counter, parry or unleash a strong assault from what was a weak position just a second ago. It’s the beauty that is the flow of battle in all SC games, and one of the biggest reasons why it’s so damn addicting.

With SCV you can add a quick dodge to your list of parry’s and counter attacks. With a quick double tap you leap backwards out of harms reach ,which can obviously add depth to the games strategy. Speaking of dodging, those quick double taps along with  counters and other attacks will build up your critical edge attack gauge. Once it’s maxed out you’ll be able to unleash a devastating combo if you can time it just right.

With the years of award-winning gameplay, beautiful graphics, exciting new features and characters…….the soul still burns, in early 2012


New characters and features….enjoy